Tom – Manual Toyota Yaris From Noranda

Tom has a Manual Toyota Yaris and services Highgate, Northbridge, North Perth, Coolbinia, Menora, Mount Lawley, Maylands, Bedford, Inglewood, Bayswater, Ashfield, Bassendean, Eden Hill, Kiara, Lockridge, Caversham, Guilford, South Guilford, Hazelmere, Henley Brook, West Swan, Baskerville, Bellevue, Boya, Greenmount, Helena Valley, Herne Hill, Jane Brook, Koongamia, Middle Swan, Midland, Midvale, Millendon, Red Hill, Stratton, Swanview, Viveash, Woodbridge, Dianella, Dog Swamp, Joondanna, Tuart Hill, Yokine, Balga, Mirrabooka, Nollamara, Westminster, Embelton, Morley, Noranda, Beechborro. Alexander Heights, Girrawheen, Koondoola, Marangaroo, Ballajurra, Malaga..Can also speak Vietnamese.


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